Brioche recipe:
3 1/2 cups (and more) all purpose flour
1 cup milk – lukewarm
2 eggs – room temperature
3/4 stick unsalted butter – room temperature
1 packet active dry yeast, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1/4 cup warm water
Cream filling:
1/2 cup mascarpone cream
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1. Prepare yeast by soaking for fifteen minutes it in warm water and brown sugar
2. Add all liquid ingredients into mixer or bowl, add 3 cups of the flour, and mix. Continue adding flour a little at a time until flour comes together – will be on sticky sice. After five minutes, when dough is taking shape, add the salt. Continue adding more flour until the dough becomes more easy to handle or, if using mixer, it comes more easily away from the sides. Do not overflour.
3. After fifteen minutes or so of electric mixing, or hand kneading, when dough has become an elastic, smooth ball, place in clean bowl with a small amount of flour at the bottom, cover and let rise for two or three hours, until double in size.
4. When dough has risen well, place onto counter or board, and knead by hands for a few minutes. Roll into a log, with a diameter of two inches. Cut into 3 inch equal pieces. Roll and shape each piece into an oval and place on cookie sheet lined with lightly floured parchment. Cover loosely and let prove for twenty to thirty minutes in warm place.
5. Heat oven to 350F. Prepare egg wash using one egg and a tablespoon of water. When dough has proved again, apply egg wash, and bake for 30 to forty minutes or light brown.

6. While bread is baking, prepare cream filling. Beat mascarpone first until smooth, add the sugar and whipping cream and beat until soft peaks.
7. When bread is ready, let cool until just slightly warm. Cut each piece in the middle so as to spread apart, enough to fill with cream.
Best eaten after freshly made. Enjoy!