Tomato Harvest!

The ripening of fruit marks another fall season upon us.
This summer, with record temperatures and ceaseless sunshine, we were assured of a full bounty of sweet edibles!
It is incredible how delicious a home grown place-in-a-pot-on-your-patio-and-water-twice-a-day tomato can taste! Succulent, aromatic, and lemony. These were the fruits of very little labour, I am embarrassed to admit. Before this year’s try at growing our own, I was under the belief that the best tomatoes could only be found in southern Italy!

Changes in time invariably bring changes in season. Fall weather brings relief from the unusual scorching temperatures on the coast, so what better way to celebrate (slightly) cooler weather than to bake (or grill, in this case) some bread!

And, since nature gave us (heavenly) tomatoes, we feature a ratatouille. To accompany this rich and flavourful dish, try our version of Naan, that smokey, soft and chewy leavened bread that goes with just about everything.

Fall Tomato Ratatouille with Coastal Naan Bread Recipes