This bread complements our Fall Tomato Ratatouille beautifully. The fluffy texture and smokey grilled flavour make this a favourite addition to any dinner. And, you’ll find that it disappears fast!

3 cups or so all purpose flour (I use King Arthur)
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 pkg active dry yeast
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 egg, beaten
1. In a mixer bowl, fill with 1/2 cup warm water, yeast, brown sugar, and 1/2 cup flour. Let stand for half an hour.
2. Add olive oil, egg, and mix. Add 2 cups of the flour, then salt on top. Manually mix the ingredients using the mixer hook. Place bowl into mixer and attach hook. Mix at low speed for twenty minutes, adjusting the speed up a notch when the flour is mixed. Add more of the flour, just enough so the the dough is gooey consistency. Mix for another twenty minutes, and until the dough has a smooth appearance. This is a wet dough.
3. Stop the mixer, turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead, adding a little more flour at a time, rolling into a ball. The dough should be very soft. Put into a large clean bowl. Drizzle with olive oil, turning the ball of dough such that the entire surface is oiled. Cover with plastic wrap, then a towel, and let stand for 1-2 hours, or until the dough has doubled. When risen, turn ball onto floured surface again, and gently knead using small amounts of additional flour. Pinch off small portions of the dough (about 2″ diameter). Roll into ball with hands. Flatten using roller, and set onto floured plate.Work fast so that dough does not dry out. Cover if need be.
4. When ready, heat a grill pan on the stove using high heat. Brush each dough portion with olive oil and place on grill, oiled side down. Brush upper side with oil, and turn over when bottom side has browned (about a minute or so). Cook until both sides are lightly browned.
These are best served when just grilled, but if you have leftovers, place in toaster for less than a minute. Enjoy!