I can’t believe it is June already! I feel like I am still working on April, with my mind still stuck in January (of 2000!). Where did all that time go?
Like it or not, summer is here, and so we must move on. What better time to focus on fruits in desserts, and nothing beats a good apple.
This week’s dessert is one that is simple yet carries deep meaning for me. Though the one for whom it is named is no longer with us, her daughter will hopefully approve of my version of her mom’s memorable Apple Cake. Take a moment to look at this recipe, and I am certain you will find yourself making it with loved ones in mind.
I have a Polish friend from childhood, whose mom made the BEST apple cake. Like so many immigrants, who came from somewhere else seeking a better life in Canada and the West, Mrs. Fisher brought with her the best of her culture’s traditions, and of course one of those was her Apple Cake.
As is the case with most natural cooks, there was no need for recipe books or a printed guide to follow. The creation came from the magic of the maker’s hands and mind. Though my friend had watched her mom bake her delicious, simple dessert thousands of times over, no written record of the exact proportions were ever jotted down.
Mrs. Fisher sadly died before her time, and while memories gradually fade as life continues, I will never forget the image of this wonderful lady in her kitchen, a sweet smile on her kind face, cooking her delicious traditional dishes, as we kids eagerly waited for a tasty bite.
I have searched every cookbook, on the internet, and even consulted with others, but I have yet to find a recipe akin to Mrs. Fisher’s. Having almost given up my search, I decided to go in a completely different path, and make a cake that I think Mrs. Fisher would approve.
Although this dessert is much lighter than the one from our childhood, it is a simple recipe, one that I am sure is familiar to all cooks. I have added apple slices on top, and because I will always think of Mrs. Fisher whenever Apple is paired with Cake, I call this “A Tribute to Mrs. Fisher Apple Cake”.
“A Tribute to Mrs. Fisher Apple Cake” Recipe
1 cup cake flour + ⅙ cup all purpose flour (approx 2 tbsps all purpose)
1 ½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 ½ stick unsalted butter (softened)
1 ⅙ cup white sugar + 1 tbsp for topping
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 apple, peeled, sliced in ½ inch wedges
Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a Bundt pan.
1. Sift dry ingredients together, and set aside.
2. Whisk butter with sugar using mixer on medium to high speed, until light and fluffy (3-4 minutes).
3. Beat eggs with vanilla in a separate bowl. Add mixture to butter/sugar. Continue to beat until smooth and creamy (2 minutes).
4. Scoop into baking pan. Arrange apple slices atop the batter. Sprinkle sugar evenly over the surface.
5. Bake at 350°F for 30-40 minutes until light golden brown, and knife comes out clean from center of cake.
Serve alone or with yoghurt, whipping cream, or jam.